MAR Shares a Vision for Housing in Massachusetts

May 31, 2023

- By The MAR Legal Team

On May 30th, Theresa Hatton, CEO of the Massachusetts Association of REALTORS® shared a comprehensive vision for a better state of housing in the Commonwealth. Here is a summary of her remarks:

  • REALTORS® drive housing and communities.
  • The current housing market presents incredible challenges with inventory at all-time lows and prices at all-time highs.
  • Housing production via zoning relief is the key to solving our housing crisis. Without zoning relief, we will continue on our current track with land, regulatory, and litigation costs all inflating the cost of housing. With it we can lower prices, increase housing stability, and overcome historic redlining to become more diverse and inclusive.
  • MAR also supports:
    • Creating first-time homebuyer savings accounts to help more people achieve the American Dream of homeownership.
    • Requiring fair housing and diversity education for all real estate licensees.


Read the full testimony.